Beginning in 2016, Thomas Built Saf-T-Liner C2 buses have come equipped with an Ecco LED roof-mounted strobe light with a built-in power pack. The Ecco LED strobe light is much easier to troubleshoot than previous strobe lights. It has both a power and ground wire, making it very easy to test.
In this service bulletin, we’ll show you how to test an Ecco LED strobe light using a standard 9-volt battery and a Carolina Thomas LED strobe light connector (P/N: Ecco-Test). Click here for a printable copy of the service bulletin.
To order a Carolina Thomas LED strobe light test connector, call our Parts Professionals at
Questions? Give us a call.
Vinny Rivera
Service & Training Manager
O: (800) 440-3492, x 383
M: (336) 215-0970