A wise service technician once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a foot-pound of cure.” This is especially true and important when installing and/or servicing a bus rear end.
Absolutely Essential
Bus service manuals typically include only standard equipment. The Thomas Saf-T-Liner C2 uses an optional Meritor rear end to meet the NC state specifications for a rear axle ratio of 7.17:1. It is absolutely essential to use the proper amount of torque when installing and/or servicing a Meritor rear end.
The Proper Amount of Torque Is Critical
When installing a Meritor rear axle with 7.17:1 rear end ratio, the pinion nut must be torqued to 940 foot-pounds. This precise amount of torque is critical to prevent an additional failure.
If you’re thinking 940 foot-pounds sounds like a lot, you are correct! At Carolina Thomas, we use a torque multiplier tool like the one pictured here to ensure the proper amount of torque is applied every time.
Additional Measures to Keep You Informed
The information in this service bulletin is intended to keep you informed of important service and warranty requirements for your Saf-T-Liner C2 bus. In addition, Carolina Thomas has taken the following measures:
Chassis Service Manual Specifications – We have requested that Freightliner include in the C2 chassis service manual a statement indicating that your bus may be equipped with an optional brand of rear end. Since service manuals are intended for all customers, we may or may not be able to make this happen, but we have made the request.
Carolina Thomas Warning Tag – When you order a replacement Meritor rear end from us, we are now shipping a warning tag regarding proper torque requirements on the rear end, as pictured here.
Need a printable copy of this service bulletin?
Questions? Give us a call.
Vinny Rivera
Service & Training Manager
O: (800) 440-3492, x 383
M: (336) 215-0970