Contact Our Service Team

Glenn Collins

Service Manager/EV Training Manager
Office (800) 440-3492, x 388
Mobile (864) 435-1706

Areas Served

North Carolina

Markets Served

School, Activity, Child Care, Commercial Shuttle/Transit, Health Care/Assisted-Living, Retirement Community, Church, EV and Specialty Vehicles

Product Lines

All Makes & Models of EV Buses and Specialty Vehicles

Harold McMillian

Customer Support Specialist/Trainer
Office (800) 440-3492, x 364
Mobile (336) 259-8225

Areas Served

North Carolina

Markets Served

School, Activity, Child Care, Commercial Shuttle/Transit, Health Care/Assisted-Living, Retirement Community, Church, EV and Specialty Vehicles

Product Lines

All Makes & Models of Buses and Specialty Vehicles