A winter storm is a good reminder that when it comes to transporting our children, safety and preparation are the most important priorities. Insta-Chain automatic tire chains can ensure your buses arrive safely.
Chain up instantly with Insta-Chain Automatic Tire Chains
When hazardous conditions of ice and snow threaten your safety, just flip a switch and your Insta-Chains go to work. You never have to stop your vehicle to “chain up.” You don’t even have to leave the driver’s seat. Traction is instant and fully automatic. And it meets all states’ DOT requirements.
Insta-Chain is automatically activated from the driver’s seat.
- While your vehicle is in motion.
- At the flip of a switch, eliminating manual installation of chains.
- Activated and retracted from the safety of the driver’s seat.
- Proven traction and braking in all weather conditions.
- Traction in forward or reverse.
- Chain up only when you need to. Saves wear of tire and road.
Ready to get started?
We are here to help you with the Insta-Chain solution for your fleet. For a pricing quote email us at: service@carolinathomas.com.
Questions? Give us a call.

Vinny Rivera
Service & Training Manager
O: (800) 440-3492, x 383
M: (336) 215-0970